Marina Krotofil

Marina Krotofil is a Cyber Security Lead at ABB, UK with a decade of experiences in advanced methods for securing Industrial ControlSystems (ICS). She is also an experienced Red/Blue Teamer who contributed research on novel attack vectors and advanced exploitation techniques, incident response, forensic investigations and ICS malware analysis. Previously, Marinaworked as a Senior Security Engineer at BASF (Germany), Principal Analyst andSubject Matter Expert (SME) in the Cyber-Physical Security Group at FireEye(USA), Lead Cyber Security Researcher at Honeywell (USA) and a Senior SecurityConsultant at the European Network for Cyber Security (Netherlands). She authored more than 25 academic articles and book chapters on ICS Security and is a regular speaker at the leading conference stages worldwide. She is also a frequent reviewer of academic manuscripts and talk proposals including BlackHat and USENIX WOOT. Marina holds an MBA in Technology Management, MSc in Telecommunications, and MSc in Information and Communication Systems.